Laboratory of Host-Microorganism Interaction




Our primary objective here in the laboratory of host-microorganism interaction is the search for novel molecular mechanisms and physiological responses and cues in the complex biochemical talk that takes place between the microbial world and its vertebrate hosts. We focus on the innate immune response and inflammatory phenomena surround some infectious and noninfectious diseases and how host/pathogen factors communicate in the event of pathogenesis. We are also keen on how our mutualistic microbial communities participate in the myriad events of immune and physiological response shaping and consolidation.









  Professora Danielle da Glória de Souza







   Dr. Luana Dourado




PHD Students      



  Lívia Tavares

  Raquel Duque

  Talles Properi

  Renata Lacerda

  Daniel Cisalpino

  Zélia Menezes

  Lívia Resende

  Vivian Costa

  Thiago Ávila




Masters Student         



  Dehbora Valadão






  Fernando Roque

  Rebeca Fróes




2012   Immunopharmacology Group. All rights reserved