We selected some exercices for you practice the theory

Exercise 1) Which of the following has quaternary structure?
A) alfa-chymotrypsin;
B) hemoglobin;
C) insulin;
D) mioglobin;
E) trypsin.

Exercise 2) The properties of atom C are essential to which stabilizing force in the structure?
A) hidrogen bonding;
B) steric effects;
C) ionic attraction;
D) dissulfide bridges;
E) none of the above.

Exercise 3) Chaperone proteins:
A) all require ATP to exert their effect;
B) cleave incorrect disulfide bonds, allowing correct ones to subsequently form;
C) guide the folding of polypeptide chains into patterns that would be thermodynamically unstable withuot the presence of chaperones;
D)are involved in the transport of proteins across mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum membranes;
E) act primarily on fully synthesized polypeptide chains, unfolding incorrect structures so they can refold correctly.

Exercise 4)

Permanent waving is biochemical engineering.

Try to find the chemical forces involved and the structures of proteins which compose stretched and curly hair.

Exercise 5)
Here, we give one example of protein prediction. We are going to use as template one enzime GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHIDROGENASE and we are going to make the prediction for the secondary and terciary structure amongst many information about this protein.

First, we need to look for the protein sequence at Entrez , and we can look at it with PDB format (you can see the image with the own Entrez instructions).
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We can obtain one general prediction throught SwissModel and get it by e-mail.
There are many others predictions examples:

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