
Drumond AL, Weng CC, Wang G, Chiarini-Garcia H, Eras-Garcia L, Meistrich ML. Effects of multiple doses of cyclophosphamide on mouse testes: Accessing the germ cells lost, and the functional damage of stem cells. Reproductive Toxicology. 32: 395-406, 2011.

Drumond AL, Meistrich ML, Chiarini-Garcia H. Spermatogonial  morphology and kinetics during testis development in mice: a high-resolution light microscopy approach. Reproduction (Cambridge), 142: 154-155, 2011.

Dias FF, Chiarini-Garcia H, Brinter RL, Parreira GG, Melo RCN. Mice spermatogonial stem cells transplantation induces macrophage migration into the seminiferous epithelium and lipid body formation: high resolution light microscopy and ultrastructural studies. Microscopy and Microanalysis (Print), 17: 1-13, 2011.

H. J. Ribeiro HJ, Procópio MS, Gomes JMM, Vieira FO, Russo RC, Balzuweit K, Chiarini-Garcia H, Castro ACS, Rizzo E, Corrêa Jr JD. Functional dissimilarity of melanomacrophage centres in the liver and spleen from females of the teleost fish Prochilodus argenteus. Cell Tissue Res, 2011. DOI 10.1007/s00441-011-1286-3

Lopes DCFCF, Silvestre MPC, Chiarini-Garcia H, Garcia ES, Morais, HA, Silva MR. Evaluation of Conjugated Linoleic  Acid Addition to a Chocolate Milk Drink. International Journal of Food Engineering, 7(2) article 5, 2011.

Souza CA, Ocarino NM, Silva JF, Boeloni JN, Nascimento EF, Silva IJ, Castro RD, Moreira LP, Almeida FRCL,   Chiarini-Garcia H, Serakides R. Administration of thyroxine affects the morphometric parameters and VEGF expression in the uterus and placenta and the uterine vascularization but does not affect reproductive parameters in gilts during early gestation. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 46: e7-e16, 2011.

Schulz RW, França LR, Lareyre J-J, LeGac F, Chiarini-Garcia H, Nobrega RH, Miura T. Spermatogenesis in fish. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 165: 390-411, 2010.

Parreira GG, Chiarini-Garcia H, Melo RCN, Vieira FO, Godinho HP. Spermatozoon and its relathionship wieht the ovarian lamellae in the internally inseminating catfish Trachelyopterus galeatus. Microscopy Research and Technique, 72: 889-897, 2009.

Almeida FRCL. Influência da nutrição da fêmea sobre a qualidade do leitão ao nascer. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 37: s31-s33, 2009.

Chiarini-Garcia H, Alves-Freitas D, Barbosa IS, Almeida FRLC. Evaluation of seminiferous epithelial cycle, spermatogonial kinetics and niches in donkeys (Equus asinus). Animal Reproduction Science, 116: 139-154, 2009.

Machado, G.S. Fontes DO, Almeida FRCL, Borges ALCC, Oliveira VF, Silva TCT. Efeitos de diferentes fontes de energia sobre taxa ovulatória, fertilidade e sobrevivência embrionária em marrãs cíclicas. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 60: 600-606, 2008.

Costa GM,  França LR, Chiarini-Garcia H, Morato RG, Alvarenga RL.  Durantion of the spermatogenesis and daily sperm production in the jaguar (Pantera onca). Theriogenology, 70: 1136-1146, 2008.

Nascimento HF, Drumond AL, França LR, Chiarini-Garcia H. Spermatogonial morphology, kinetics and niches in hamsters exposed to short- and long-photoperiod. International Journal of Andrology, 32: 486-497, 2008.

Chiarini-Garcia H, Meistrich ML. High-resolution light microscopic characterization of spermatogonia. Methods in Molecular Biology, 450: 95-107, 2008.

Bolden-Tiller OU, Chiarini-Garcia H, Poirier C, Alves-Freitas D, Weng CC, Shetty G, Meistrich, ML. Genetic factors contributing to defective spermatogonial differentiation in juvenile spermatogonial depletion (Utp14b/jsd) mice. Biology of Reproduction, 77(2): 237-246, 2007.

Melo RCN, Rosa PG, Noyma NP, Pereira WF, Tavares LER, Parreira GG, Chiarini-Garcia H, Roland F.Histological Approaches for High-Quality Imaging of Zooplanktonic Organisms. Micron (Oxford), 38(7): 714-721, 2007.

 Wajner SM, Wagner MS, Melo RCN, Parreira GG, Chiarini-Garcia H, Fekete C, Bianco AC, Lechan RM, Maia AL. Type 2 iodothyronine deiodinase is highly expressed in germ cells of adult rat testis. Journal of Endocrinology, 194(1): 47-54, 2007.

Rocha JS, Chiarini-Garcia H. Mast cell heterogeneity between two different species of Hoplias sp (Characiformes: Erythrinidae): response to fixatives, anatomical distribution, histochemical contents and ultrastructural features. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 22 (3): 218-229, 2007.

Sá MJC, Rezende CMF, Silva VV, Griffon D, Chiarini-Garcia H, Silva Jr VA. In vivo behavior of zirconia-hydroxyapatite (ZH) ceramic implants in dogs: a clinical, radiographic and histological study. Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 22: 5-31, 2007.

D'Avila H, Melo RCN ; Parreira GG, Werneck-Barroso E, Castro-Faria-Neto H,  Bozza PT. Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin induces TLR2-mediated formation of lipid bodies: intracellular domains for eicosanoids synthesis in vivo. Journal of Immunology, 176: 3087-3097, 2006.

 Ferreira AVM, Parreira GG, Green A, Botion LM. Effects of fenofibrate on lipid metabolism in adipose tissue of rats. Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental, 55: 731-735, 2006.

 Melo RCN, Fabrino DL, Dias FF, Parreira GG. Lipid bodies: structural markers of inflammatory macrophages in innate immunity. Inflammation Research, 55: 342-348, 2006.

Neves ES, Chiarini-Garcia H, França LR. Ultrastructural observation of the mule testis indicates normal function of  somatic cells. Animal Reproduction, 2(4): 263-271, 2005.

Gendt K, Atanassova N, Tan KA, Parreira GG, França LR, Sharpe RM, Sunders PT, Hartung S, Denolet E, Verhoeven G. Development and function of the adult generation of Leydig cells in mice with Sertoli cell-selective (SCARKO) or total (ARKO) ablation of the androgen receptor. Endocrinology, 10: 1210, 2005.

Fabrino DL, Leon LL, Parreira GG, Genestra M, Almeida PE, Melo RCN . Peripheral blood monocytes show morphological pattern of activation and decreased nitric oxide production during acute Chagas' disease in rats. Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry, 11: 166-174, 2004.

 França LR, Parreira GG.  Germ cell transplants and testis grafts in mammals. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2004.

Fernandes FF, Chiarini-Garcia H, Linardi PM. Scanning electron microscopy studies of sensilla and other structures of adult Dermatobia hominis (L.Jr., 1781)(Diptera, Cuterebridae). Journal of Medical Entomology, 41(4): 552-560, 2004.

Leal MC, Becker-Silva SC, Chiarini-Garcia H, França LR. Sertoli cell efficiency and daily sperm production in goats (Capra hircus). Animal Reproduction, 1(1): 122-128, 2004.

Amaral D, Chiarini-Garcia H, Vale Filho VR, Allen WR. Effects of formalin and Bouin fixation upon the mare´s endometrial biopsies embedded in plastic resin. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 56(1): 7-12, 2004.

Souza-Fagundes EM, Gazzinelli G, Parreira GG, Martins-Filho OA, Amarante-Mendes GP, Correa-Oliveira R, Zani CL. In vitro activity of labdane diterpene from Alomia Myriadenia (Asteraceae): immunosupression via induction of apoptosis in monocytes. International Immunopharmacology, 3: 383-392, 2003.

Chiarini-Garcia H, Raymer, AM, Russell LD. Non-random distribution of spermatogonia in rats: evidence of niches in the seminiferous tubules. Reproduction, 126(5): 669-680, 2003.

Novak S, Almeida FRCL, Cosgrove JR, Dixon WT, Foxcroft GR. Effect of pre- and postmating nutritional manipulation on plasma progesterone, blastocyst development, and oviductal environment during early pregnancy in gilts. Journal of Animal Science, 81: 772-783, 2003.

Santos AAD, Chiarini-Garcia H, Oliveira, KR, Machado CRS. Development of different mast cell types in the opossum Didelphis albiventris. Anatomy and Embryology, 206(3): 239-245, 2003.

 Novak S, Treacey BK, Almeida FRCL, Mao J, Buh, WC, Dixon WT, Foxcroft GR. Regulation of IGF-I and porcine oviductal secretory protein (pOSP) secretion into the pig oviduct in the peri-ovulatory period, and effects of previous nutrition. Reproduction Nutrition, Development, 42: 1-18, 2002.

Neves ES, Chiarini-Garcia H, França LR.  Compative testis morphometry and seminiferous epithelium cycle in donkeys and mules.  Biology of Reproduction, 67(1): 247-255, 2002.

Parreira GG, Melo RCN, Russell LD. Relationship of Sertoli-Sertoli junctions to ectoplasmic specialization in conventional and en face views. Biology of.Reproduction, 67: 1232-1241, 2002.

Chiarini-Garcia H, Russell LD. Characterization of mouse spermatogonial types by transmission electron microscopy.  Reproduction, 123 (4): 567-577, 2002.

Russell LD, Chiarini-Garcia H, Korsmeyer SJ, Knudson CM. Bax Dependent Spermatogonia Apoptosis is Required for Testicular Development and Spermatogenesis. Biology of Reproduction, 66(4): 950-958, 2002.

Fernandes FF, Linardi PM, Chiarini-Garcia H. Morphology of the antenna of Dermatobia hominis (Diptera, Cuterebridae) based on scanning electron microscopy. Journal of Medical Entomology, 39(1): 36-43, 2002. 

Mao J, Treacey BK, Almeida FRCL, Novak S, Dixon WT, Foxcroft GR. Feed restriction and insulin treatment affect subsequent luteal function in the immediate post-ovulatory period in pigs: Progesterone production in vitro and messanger ribonucleic acid expression for key steroidogenic enzymes. Biology of Reproduction, 64: 359-367, 2001.

Chiarini-Garcia H, Russell LD. High resolution light microscopic characterization of mouse spermatogonia. Biology of Reproduction, 65 (4): 1170-1178, 2001.

Chiarini-Garcia H, Hornick JR, Griswold MD, Russell LD. The distribution of Type A spermatogonia in the mouse is not random. Biology of Reproduction, 65 (4): 1179-1185, 2001.

Almeida FRCL, Mao J, Novak S, Cosgrove JR, Foxcroft GR. Effects of different patterns of feed restriction and insulin treatment during the late luteal phase on metabolic, reproductive and endocrine parameters in cyclic gilts. Journal of Animal Science, 79: 200-212, 2001.

 Chiarini-Garcia H, França LR.  Electron microscopy and morphometry: Important tools for investigation on reproduction. Cadernos Técnicos de Veterinária e Zootecnia, 35: 41-48, 2001.

Martins E, Martins VMV, Marques Jr AP, Vasconcelos AC, Chiarini-Garcia H, Malard PF. Bovine placentome preservation for light microscopy evaluation. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 52 (2): 117-124, 2000.

Almeida FRCL, Kirkwood RN, Aherne FX, Foxcroft GR. Consequences of different patterns of feed intake during the estrous cycle in gilts on subsequent fertility. Journal of Animal Science, 78: 1556-1563, 2000.

França LR,  Silva Jr VA,  Chiarini-Garcia H, Garcia, SK,  Debeljuk L. Cell proliferation and hormonal changes during postnatal development of the testis in the pig. Biology of  Reproduction, 63: 1629-1636, 2000.

Almeida FRCL, Novak S, Foxcroft GR. The time of ovulation in relation to estrus duration in gilts. Theriogenology, 53(7): 1389-1396, 2000.

Chiarini-Garcia H, Santos AAD, Machado CRS. Mast cell types and cell-to-cell interactions in lymph nodes of the opossum Didelphis albiventris, Anatomy and Embryology, 201(3): 197-206, 2000.

França LR., Becker-Silva SC, Chiarini-Garcia H. Seminiferous epithelium cycle in goats. Tissue and Cell, 31 (3): 274-280, 1999.

Paula, TAR, Chiarini-Garcia, H, França, LR. Seminiferous epithelium cycle and its duration in Capibaras. Tissue and Cell, 31 (3): 327-334, 1999.

Chiarini-Garcia H. & Pereira FM. Comparative studies of lymph nodes mast cell populations form five different marsupials species of the didelphidae. Tissue and Cell, 31 (3): 318-326, 1999.

Amaral D, Chiarini-Garcia H, Vale Filho VR, Allen WR. Changes in the endometrium detected by morphometric and histochemical  tehcniques in relation to age and estrous cycle in throughbred mares. Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal, 23 (3): 197-199, 1999.

Chiarini-Garcia H, Amaral D, Vale Filho VR, Allen WR. Scanning electron microscopy procedures to analise endometrial biopsies of mares; comparative study between two techniques.. Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal, 23 (3): 289-291, 1999.

Parreira GG, Ogawa T, Avarbock MR, França LR, Brinster RL, Russell LD. Development of germ cell transplants. Biology of Reproduction, 59:1360-1370, 1998.

França LR,  Parreira G G,  Gates R J,  Russell L D.  Hormonal regulation os spermatogenesis in the hypophysectomized rat: Quantitation of germ cell population and effect of elimination of residual testosterone in long-term hypophysectomized rats. Journal of  Andrology, 19: 335-340, 1998.


Rizzo, E., Sato, Y., Ferreira, R.M.A., Chiarini-Garcia, H., Bazzoli, N. Reproduction of Leporinus reinhardti Lutken, 1874 (Pisces: Anostomidae) from Três Marias reservoir, São Francisco river, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Ciência e Cultura,  48 (3): 189-192, 1996.


Cardoso, E.L., Chiarini-Garcia, H., Ferreira, R.M.A., Poli, C.R. Morphological changes in the gills of the fresh water fish Lophiosilurus alexandri Steindachner exposed to un-ionized ammonia. Journal of Fish Biology, 49 (5): 778-787, 1996.


Parreira GG., Cardoso FM. Seasonal variation of the spermatogenic activity in Bolomys lasiurus. Mammalia. 56(1): 27-34. 1993.

Ferreira RMA, Chiarini-Garcia H. Efeito da fixação e do meio de inclusão na preservação histológica do intestino da traira Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794). Revista Brasileira de Ciências Morfológicas, 9(2): 32-37, 1992.


 Chiarini-Garcia H, Ferreira RMA. Histochemical evidence of heparin in granular cells of Hoplias malabaricus Bloch. Journal of Fish Biology, 41(1): 155-157, 1992.


Chiarini-Garcia H, Machado CRS. Mast cell types in lymph nodes of the opossum Didelphis albiventris (Marsupialia, Didelphidae). Cell and Tissue Research, 268(3): 571-574, 1992.


Bazzoli N, Rizzo E, Chiarini-Garcia H. Icthyofauna of the Paranaiba river in the area to be flooded by Bocaina reservoir, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Ciência e Cultura, 43(6): 451-453, 1991.


Parreira GG, Cardoso FM. Biologia reprodutiva de machos Bolomys lasiurus Lund, 1841 (Rodentia, Cricetidae). I. Morfologia da espermatogênese e ciclo do epitélio seminífero. Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 51(3) 639-646, 1990.